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Trawelit is about discovering life around the world.

It aims at being the reference point of the new urban, social, modern traveler. The easy-going couple and single, who decides to discover the beauties of the world we live in. It is about the good, the authentic, the innovative, and the fabulous.

I am Elisa and I am Italian. You will find a lot of Italy in these posts because I love my country. Think there’s so much to tell about it.

I love to discover the places by what makes them unique: food, arts, nature, architecture, roots, and history. Roaming around working as a location independent and feeling well all the way through, is what I aimed at before Azzurra came into my life. She is my little daughter and is one year old now.

Trawelit stands for Travel Well It, in other words, I want to help you find a good way about discovering life around the world.

Have you ever visited a new country or city and you wished you had some tips to help you breathe the real soul of the place? Well, we are about that: travel and discover places by their inner vocation, going beyond cliché and stereotypes.

Talking to the people, and making a connection, feeling the vibes, and be gifted with the only possible way to really appreciate a place: the human touch. That’s what I am looking for.

Would you like to follow me too? You will be a part of our journey.